
100 of 1,831 Vocabulary

color ②hair coloring (coloring) ③political color
karuta (traditional Japanese playing cards; esp. hyakunin isshu karuta)
to wither (of a plant) ②to mature (of one's personality, abilities, etc.)
to be affectionate to ②to show favoritism to ③to fondle ④to be tough on
to dry (clothes, etc.)
to be thirsty ②to thirst for
money order ②exchange (e.g. foreign)
roof tile
to succeed ②to take the place of ③to be exchanged
space ②space character
Kansai ②Kansai
appreciation (of art, music, poetry, etc.)
dryness ②insipidity
observation ②opinion
government office
canned food ②confining someone (e.g. so they can concentrate on work) ③being stuck in a confined space
idea ②sense (e.g. of duty) ③resignation (to one's fate) ④observation and contemplation
cheers ②toast ③drinking one's glass dry
signboard ②draw ③reputation (of a shop) ④appearance
nursing (a patient)
traditional cap worn by Shinto clergy and courtiers ②crown ③best ④name
China and Japan ②Chinese and Japanese (languages) ③dictionary with Japanese definitions of kanji and kanji compounds
atmospheric pressure
machine ②instrument
famine ②chronic shortage (e.g. of water)
term ②time limit
to mince ②to carve ③to tick away (time) ④to etch (into one's mind)
rising (from one's bed)
to put clothes on (someone) ②to cover ③to pin (e.g. a crime on someone)
base (military, expedition, etc.)
foundation ②bedrock ③substrate (circuit board)
guest seating (e.g. theater, stadium) ②audience
suspension of business
cancelation (of a lecture, class, etc.)
feeling obliged ②shrinking back in fear
order ②rules
to kill (a human) using a blade (sword, machete, knife, etc.)
goldfish (Carassius auratus)
limits ②area (e.g. in programming languages)
air conditioner ②cooler
to demarcate ②to punctuate
sneeze ②spoken twice in response to someone sneezing as a charm against an early death
to destroy ②to disturb ③to relax (one's pose) ④to break (a bill)
ring finger ②fourth toe
to collapse ②to get out of shape ③to break down ④to crash (stock market)
to break (into pieces) ②to collapse ③to become less formal ④to become easy to understand (e.g. a story)
to get tired ②to become worn out ③to get tired of (doing)
to descend ②to be handed down (of an order, judgment, etc.) ③to pass (of time) ④to surrender
to adhere to ②to keep close to ③to get involved with
to attach ②to place together ③to make (someone) get married
Note: There is no longer an official word or kanji list for the JLPT. This list is a suggestion based on data from Tanos