
100 of 1,831 Vocabulary

repetitious ②heavy (taste) ③gaudy (color, design, etc.)
to distribute ②to allot
devising (a way) ②device ③dedication to spiritual improvement (esp. through Zen meditation)
combination ②matching (in a contest) ③combination
to assemble ②to form (words, sentences, etc.)
to draw (water) ②to pour (into a cup) ③to consider (feelings, the situation, etc.) ④to draw upon
to pour (sake)
frustrated (over a failure, humiliation or injustice)
to hold in one's mouth
district ②district (of 2-20 50-home neighborhoods or townships, in the ritsuryō period) ③commandery (in China)
fluorescent lamp ②person who is slow to react
form (as opposed to substance) ②format ③formality ④mode
knitting wool
system ②lineage ③group (e.g. of colors) (colors) ④close (evolutionary) relationship
public entertainment ②accomplishments
horse racing
adjectival noun (in Japanese)
surgery ②department of surgery
fur ②kanji "fur" radical
sharp increase
alighting (from a train, bus, etc.)
last third of a month
drainage ②sewage
to shave (wood, leather, etc.) ②to cut down (budget, expenses, staff, time, etc.) ③to delete
column ②digit
geta ②turn (in set-type proofing)
masterpiece ②amusing blunder
end of the month
indication ②tone (of the market)
to kick ②to refuse ③to stamp (on the ground)
inspection ②sitting out (e.g. PE class)
origin ②primeval
training (esp. in-service)
go (board game)
high-class ②high-ranking
public (facilities, service, etc.)
industrial arts
filial piety ②showing devotion (to someone)
crossing ②(genetic) crossing over
speaker ②lecturer (at a university or college) ③part-time teacher ④tutor (at a cram school)
construction work
official ②formula (e.g. mathematical) ③official (social media) account (of a company, organization, etc.)
high-rise (building) ②high (altitude)
affirmation ②affirmative
altitude ②high-degree
combination ②congruence
junior (at work, school, etc.)
official announcement
official business
Note: There is no longer an official word or kanji list for the JLPT. This list is a suggestion based on data from Tanos