Common Words by Reading

road ②route ③distance ④road (e.g. to victory)
road ②route ③distance ④road (e.g. to victory)
elevated walkway through the audience to the stage (kabuki) ②honorable end to a career
fellow traveler ②taking someone along unwillingly (e.g. in death)
dropping in on the way ②going the long way round
distance ②path (e.g. to one's goal)
guidepost ②guide ③tiger beetle (esp. the Japanese tiger beetle, Cicindela japonica)
purpose ②way to use something
branch road ②crossroads (of a course of events)
guidance ②guidepost
that road (path, street, way, etc.) ②that line (of business) ③love affairs
mountain road
direct unforked road
road ②way ③Buddhist teachings ④Taoism
tool ②means ③furniture
tirthika ②heterodoxy ③demon ④type of fish one did not intend to catch
dojo ②manda (place of Buddhist practice or meditation, esp. the place under the bodhi tree where Buddha attained enlightenment)
the sun ②god of heaven and the earth ③laws governing the heavens ④celestial path
Hokkaido (island, prefectural-level administrative unit)
righteous government ②easy method ③orthodox way
Hokkaido Prefectural Assembly
improper way (of doing) ②evil course
highway (esp. one existing from the Edo period) ②highway (e.g. to success) ③subdistrict (in China)
small tool ②(stage) properties ③prop master
heresy ②sorcery ③netherworld
martial arts
horse native to Hokkaido ②person born and raised in Hokkaido