Common Words by Reading

hair (on the head)
hair (on the head)
hair (of the head)
hair on the back of one's head
an old woman's gray hair ②old woman with white hair
hair on one's head ②head ③kanji "hair" radical at top
wearing one's hair up ②coming-of-age ceremony where 12 to 13-year-old girls get their long hair tied up ③wearing one's hair up with a hairpin (type of hairstyle used by court ladies)
freshly washed hair
hair (on the head)
(having a) haircut
hair dyed brown
hair (on the head)
hairdressing product (creams, gels, etc.) ②hairdressing fee
cutting of hair (to a short length) ②bobbed hair
wearing one's hair knotted in the back
retirement ceremony of a wrestler where his top-knot is cut