noun, takes する

  1. foreign country, other country.
  2. another province.
  3. strange land, alien land.


Pronunciation Kanji Kana Is Common
他国 たこく

Contained Kanji Breakdown

other, another, the others
タ ほか (3rd, N3)
human radical (no. 9)
to be (classical)
ヤ なり エ (Kentei Pre-1, N1)
to squint, what? huh? (Cant.)
バ メ やぶにらみ
number one, line, rod radical (no. 2)
コン シ ジョ
コク くに くな (2nd, N5)
box, box or enclosure radical (no. 31)
イ コク (Kentei 1)
jewel, ball
たま ギョク おう (1st, N2)
king, rule, magnate
オウ -ノウ おお (1st, N3)
dot, tick or dot radical (no. 3)
チュ (Kentei 1)