Lesson 5

23 Kanji

50 of 60 Vocabulary

many ②large amount of ③frequent
a little ②amount
a little ②a little while ③a little way
boy ②juvenile
light ②bright (of a color) ③cheerful ④encouraging (for the future of a project, etc.)
tomorrow ②near future
tomorrow ②near future
tomorrow ②near future
dark ②depressed ③dark (in color) ④ill-boding
light and darkness
low (rank, degree, value, content, quality, etc.) ②low (position) ③short (height) ④deep (voice)
near ②close (in time) ③close (relationship) ④closely related
far ②distant (past) ③distant (relationship or kinship) ④far (from something else in quality, degree, etc.)
school trip ②long walk
strong ②strong ③good (at) ④being able to handle
study ②diligence ③experience ④discount
bad ②poor (quality) ③sorry
heavy ②heavy (feeling) ③slow ④important (position, responsibility, etc.)
to pile up ②to repeat many times over
light (i.e. not heavy) ②light (i.e. of foot) ③non-serious ④slight
fast ②early ③premature ④easy
slow ②late (in the day) ③later (than expected or usual) ④too late
to be late ②to fall behind (in a race, one's studies, etc.) ③to be bereaved of ④to be slow (of a clock or watch)
hot ②passionate ③on everybody's mind
late summer heat
cold (e.g. weather) ②uninteresting (esp. joke)
chill ②cold
chill ②cold
deep ②profound ③dense ④close (relationship)
late at night
shallow ②slight (wound) ③short (time)
thin ②unlucky