Common Words by Reading

advantageous ②profitable
profit ②benefit ③grace (of God, Buddha, etc., esp. as attained through rightful actions, prayer, adherence to one's faith, etc.)
clever ②well-behaved (esp. of children and pets)
interest (on a deposit, loan, etc.)
advantages and disadvantages
well-behaved (esp. of children and pets)
bones left after cremation (esp. those of a Buddha or Boddhisatva) ②grain of rice
divine grace ②benefit
interest (on a loan, deposit etc.)
spoils of war ②something one managed to obtain or buy (at a bargain sale, merchandise stall, etc.)
to be effective ②to work ③to taste (alcohol)
left-handedness ②fondness for alcohol
to bring out (the effect of) ②to use (tact, wit, etc.)
highly skilled ②particularly able person
one's dominant hand ②person of ability
mediation ②influential person ③eloquence ④way of speaking
one's dominant foot
to bring out (the effect of) ②to use (tact, wit, etc.)
influential person
to be sensible ②to be thoughtful
sharp sickle
sharp ②intense ③quick ④keen
Ashikaga shogunate (i.e. the Muromachi shogunate, 1336-1573)
Ashikaga period (i.e. Muromachi period; 1336-1573)