Common Words by Reading

peace ②happy-go-lucky
Senior Grand Tutor (senior-most of the top three civil positions of the Zhou dynasty) ②Grand Minister
large seal ②seal of approval
fat ②deep (of a voice) ③daring
to put on weight
fat ②deep (of a voice) ③daring
to put on weight
fat ②grand
thigh ②buttocks
futomaki ②rolling something thickly
thickened eyebrows
big-boned ②solid (plan, storyline, etc.)
putting on weight from the good (married) life
audacious ②throaty (voice)
very thick ②thick, heavy thread
heavy line (for emphasis)
extreme weight gain
high-ranking noh actor ②head of a school of noh performance ③high ranking courtesan (esp. in Yoshiwara; Edo period) ④jōruri narrator
Momotarō (Japanese folk tale and popular hero)
idle talk ②fool ③irresponsible
crossing swords ②competing against
long sword (as opposed to the shorter katana) ②tachi
assistance (in a fight) ②helper
Kintarō ②Kintarō doll ③diamond-shaped apron
log ②dace (Tribolodon hakonensis) ③test subject (of human experiments performed by Unit 731 during WWII) ④prostitute dressed as a Buddhist nun
stroke of sword
watchman (implies low rank or burakumin status)
unemployed person ②day laborer (esp. on the docks)
wooden transport ship used on Lake Biwa ②vessel made from logs, e.g. large dugout canoe
Kintarō candy ②something (or someone) lacking originality
mock sword for ceremonial use