Common Words by Reading

mind ②the meaning of a phrase (riddle, etc.)
mind ②the meaning of a phrase (riddle, etc.)
(one's) inner voice
from the bottom of one's heart
to know ②to (understand and) accept (a responsibility) ③to have a knowledge of (a skill, art, etc.)
knowledge ②rules ③deputy
heart ②bottom of one's heart ③center ④heart (organ)
worry ②care
peace of mind
center ②-centered
admiration ②admirable ③astonishment
timidity ②prudence
inner thoughts ②at heart ③inner center (center)
one mind ②wholeheartedness
state of mind
true feelings ②one's right mind
bodyguard ②bar (on a door) ③stick or pole used for self-defense
absentmindedness ②peace of mind
ambition ②sinister designs
comfort when sleeping
level of comfort (of objects you sit on)
dreamy state of mind
(level of) comfort (in the place one lives)
fidelity (in a romantic relationship) ②loyalty
(good or bad) feel of lower-body clothing
(pleasantly) intoxicated
suicide immediately after the death of one's spouse or lover
(good or bad) feel when wearing something