Common Words by Reading

morning ②breakfast
morning ②breakfast
Asahi Television (abbr)
every morning
early in the morning
morning training (e.g. before school)
very easy ②before breakfast
Japanese morning glory (Ipomoea nil) ②funnel-shaped object ③rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus)
coming home in the morning (after staying out all night)
sleeping late in the morning ②late riser
early morning
morning and evening ②all the time
dynasty ②reign ③North Korea
morning assembly (at a company, school, etc.)
court council
Slave dynasty (of India; 1206-1290)
Japan and North Korea
Qing dynasty (of China; 1644-1912) ②seichōtai
ever since morning
working within the imperial court ②resident in Korea
audience with the Emperor
legitimate dynasty
government by the imperial court
the morning after (having slept together)
morning of the New Year
taking things as they come (because one is too busy to plan ahead)