
  1. slim waist, slender figure, willowy figure.
  2. waist of a willow tree. Orig. meaning.


Pronunciation Kanji Kana Is Common
柳腰 やなぎごし
柳腰 りゅうよう

Contained Kanji Breakdown

やなぎ リュウ や (9th, N1)
tree, wood
き モク こ- (1st, N5)
sign of the hare or rabbit, fourth sign of Chinese zodiac, 5-7AM
う ボウ モウ (Kentei Pre-1, N1)
katakana no radical (no. 4)
ヘツ えい よう (Kentei 1)
seal radical (no. 26)
セツ わりふ (Kentei 1)
loins, hips, waist
こし ヨウ うすぐ (7th, N2)
month, moon
つき ゲツ ガツ (1st, N5)
need, main point, essence
ヨウ い.る かなめ (4th, N3)
variant of radical 146
woman, female
ジョ おんな め (1st, N5)