noun, takes する, intransitive verb

  1. seasonal change of clothing, changing one's dress for the season. Reading is gikun for 更衣.
  2. renovation, facelift, redesign, redecoration, new appearance, fresh look.


Pronunciation Kanji Kana Is Common
衣替え ころもがえ
更衣 ころもがえ
衣更え ころもがえ

Contained Kanji Breakdown

garment, clothes, dressing
イ ころも きぬ (4th, N2)
kettle lid radical (no. 8)
トウ (Kentei 1)
garment(衣) variant
exchange, spare, substitute
か.える タイ かえ (7th, N2)
a partner, a companion, bright
husband, man
フ おっと フウ (4th, N3)
large, big
ダイ おお- た (1st, N5)
one, one radical (no.1)
イチ いっ ひと- (1st, N5)
ひと ニン ジン (1st, N5)
day, sun, Japan
ひ にっ ニチ (1st, N5)