9 strokes
Jouyou kanji
Taught in 11th grade

dark, foolish

  • くら
  • むさぼ
  • マイ
  • バイ

Main Radical


Reading Commonality

マイ 100.0%

Character Breakdown

dark, foolish
マイ バイ くら.い (11th)
day, sun, Japan
ひ にっ ニチ (1st, N5)
un-, not yet, hitherto
ミ いま.だ ビ (4th, N3)
one, one radical (no.1)
イチ いっ ひと- (1st, N5)
tree, wood
き モク こ- (1st, N5)

Common Words

vague ②shady ③fuzzy
samadhi (state of intense concentration achieved through meditation) ②being immersed in ③prone to
indulging in every possible luxury
being absorbed in reading
More Words...


Unicode hex code 6627
JIS X 0208 1-43-70
Nelson, A. Classic Nelson 2113
Haig, J. New Nelson Japanese-English Character Dictionary 2444
Halpern, J. Kodansha Kanji Dictionary 1105
Halpern, J. Kanji Learners Dictionary (Kodansha), 2nd edition (2013) 794
Heisig, J. Remembering The Kanji 2445
Heisig, J. Remembering The Kanji, Sixth Ed. 231
Morohashi Daikanwajiten 13846
Spahn and Hadamitzky Kanji and Kana (2011 edition) 413
Tuttle Dictionary Descriptor Code 4c5.2
Four corner code 6509.0