Common Words by Reading

southern barbarians (name used in ancient China for non-Chinese ethnic groups to the south) ②South-East Asian countries (in the late-Muromachi and Edo periods) ③foreign (of goods from South-East Asia and Western Europe) ④chili pepper ⑤nanban
barbarian tribe
fried chicken with vinegar and tartar sauce
Western European (esp. the Spanish and the Portuguese)
noodles with duck meat and Welsh onions
language spoken by the Emishi ②languages spoken by the nanban during the Edo Period (e.g. Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch) ③foreign language
imported to Japan by early European traders
Christian churches built in Japan in the second half of the 16th century
foreign ship (esp. from Spain and Portugal from the late Muromachi period to the early Edo period)
roasted or deep-fried fish or meat, marinated in a spicy sauce
brute courage
barbarous custom