9 strokes
Jouyou kanji
Taught in 2nd grade
JLPT exam level N3

neck, counter for songs and poems

  • neck ②head ③dismissal (from a job)
  • シュ
    counter for songs and poems
  • おびと
    Obito (hereditary title, often given to powerful regional families)
  • こべ

Main Radical


Reading Commonality

くび 73.2%
シュ 26.8%

Character Breakdown

neck, counter for songs and poems
くび シュ おびと (2nd, N3)
grass, straw, herbs
to divide
one, one radical (no.1)
イチ いっ ひと- (1st, N5)
ジ みずか.ら おの.ずから (2nd, N4)
dot, tick or dot radical (no. 3)
チュ (Kentei 1)
eye, class, look
め モク ボク (1st, N4)

Contained In

Common Words

neck ②head ③dismissal (from a job)
capital (city)
surrender (to the authorities)
(animal) collar ②necklace
person with a bounty on their head
nape of the neck
More Words...


Unicode hex code 9996
JIS X 0208 1-28-83
Nelson, A. Classic Nelson 5186
Haig, J. New Nelson Japanese-English Character Dictionary 6719
Halpern, J. New Japanese-English Character Dictionary 2265
Halpern, J. Kodansha Kanji Dictionary 2818
Halpern, J. Kanji Learners Dictionary (Kodansha) 1452
Halpern, J. Kanji Learners Dictionary (Kodansha), 2nd edition (2013) 1956
Heisig, J. Remembering The Kanji 70
Heisig, J. Remembering The Kanji, Sixth Ed. 74
Gakken A New Dictionary of Kanji Usage 208
O'Neill, P.G. Japanese Names 920
O'Neill, P.G. Essential Kanji 138
Morohashi Daikanwajiten 44489
Henshall, K. A Guide To Remembering Japanese Characters 139
Spahn and Hadamitzky Kanji and Kana 148
Spahn and Hadamitzky Kanji and Kana (2011 edition) 148
Sakade, F. A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese 239
Hodges & Okazaki Japanese Kanji Flashcards 281
Henshall & De Groot A Guide To Reading and Writing Japanese, 3rd ed. 155
Kask, A. Tuttle Kanji Cards 177
Nishiguchi & Kono Kanji in Context 393
Kodansha Kodansha Compact Kanji Guide 1910
Maniette, Y. Les Kanjis dans la tete 70
Tuttle Dictionary Descriptor Code 2o7.2
Four corner code 8060.1
De Roo Code 979